Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision 

To redeemed South Sudan with strong mission-minded Believers and spiritually inspired leadership

Mission Statement

To actively teach and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and establish ministers of the gospel all over South Sudan and beyond i.e. Evangelism, Discipleship and training Leaders.

Corporate Values

We value the Holy Scriptures as the inherent inspired word of God for instruction in living and direction into a personal, life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord.

We value unity as the body of Christ, enjoying one another’s diversity and uniqueness, joining in fellowship with one another in worship and in prayer, reaching out and meeting members’ needs with compassion and love for fellow humans at all time.

We value honesty, integrity, personal responsibility and accountability to God, self-discipline, respect for all human life from conception to natural death.

Teaming up with other like-minded believers for the proclamation of the gospel and work of the kingdom in the world.

Commitment to biblical stewardship, transparency and accountability.

Commitment to innovation, creativity and excellence in all that we do for God.

We value a holistic approach to ministry and alleviating human suffering.

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