The S.A.L.T. (Seven Areas of Life Training) material was developed in the U.S. by a group of counselors with the goal of helping believers find the root of their issues in order to weed out sin.

A pastor from one of my trainings in Yei said,

“Through this lesson I now know that I have been controlling and seeking praise from my church members. I have been [trying to put myself] in the place of God. Now I am asking God to forgive me from all that I have done and let Him lead me and the people He has entrusted to me.”

This material is so effective in my hands because i already has a network of contacts and language isn't a barrie. I poise and ready to shake the Seven Areas of Life Training (SALT) of God’s Word all over war-ravaged South Sudan for the Kingdom of God.

I travel around South Sudan, training and teaching pastors and church leaders to lead their congregations by a Biblical model.

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